Gunfighter Moment – John McPhee
Mad Minute The Mad Minute can make or break a unit’s ability to shift on the fly or flex to the situation. This is a simple concept and when used effectively is a combat multiplier. Warrior leaders,...
View ArticleShrek Sighting – A Kinder, Gentler Shrek
Here we see Shrek teaching the fairer sex chapter and verse of the .50 truth. He can teach you too. ‘Like’ him on Facebook at Engage his services at
View ArticleGunfighter Moment – John McPhee
Non-Verbal Communication Non-verbal communication is the most over looked and misunderstood tool that Warriors have. In today’s world, you say what you want and you get it. It begins at a young age but...
View ArticleAlias Training – John McPhee Aerial Marksmanship Training
Aerial Heavy Carbine Marksmanship course was designed to teach you to be “quick to shoot”, make the SHOT from a helicopter. Being accurate is final, but being accurate on the fly is better. You will...
View ArticleGunfighter Moment – John McPhee
Humility Humility is a virtue and as a trained Catholic I believe in virtues. I’m pretty sure the Pope believes in them as well, but since he is one of the few people I don’t actually know, I’m only...
View ArticleGunfighter Moment – John McPhee
Advice for Warriors Do not be afraid of failure. Fear of failure will result in never trying. This fear of failure and the will to try will haunt you until the end of your days… It is inherent in the...
View ArticleBCM Gunfighters
John Chapman, Kyle Defoor, Ken Hackathorn, Travis Haley, Dave Harrington, Pat McNamara, John McPhee, Mike Pannone, Pat Rogers and Larry Vickers. All legendary names in the tactical firearms training...
View ArticleSheriff of Baghdad Talks Grip
This is one of the most useful things you’ll see all day so stop and take a few minutes to listen to the legendary Sheriff of Baghdad, SGM John McPhee (USA, Ret) talk about grip. Follow John McPhee at...
View ArticleGunfighter Moment – John McPhee
Shrek’s Ten Warrior Commandments I. CRUSH YOUR ENEMY TOTALLY Leave no room for doubt. Kill them, then kill them twice to be sure, then check and make sure they are dead. Crush your enemy. Do not pass...
View ArticleJohn “Shrek” McPhee is BACK ON TAP at Grey Group Training!
Today Grey Group Training announced that John “Shrek” McPhee has signed on as Director of Training. Congrats to all! Grey Group Training is pleased to announce that John “Shrek” McPhee is BACK ON TAP...
View ArticleMy Favorite SOB Is Back!
John McPhee, the Sheriff of Baghdad is launching a new website, May 1st. Sign up now to enter a chance to win one of a series of prizes he will be giving away from his sponsors each of the first 10...
View ArticleJohn “Shrek” McPhee Introduces Gunfighter University
John McPhee aka Shrek aka Sheriff of Baghdad is a top-tier firearms trainer. Now, he’s launched an entirely new way of providing feedback to shooters. Gunfighter University utilizes analysis of video...
View ArticleSheriff Of Baghdad – Fall Training Schedule Released
Sheriff of Baghdad has announced that the Fall 2015 John “Shrek” McPhee training scheduled has been released. For more info and to sign up, either contact or visit...
View ArticleThe Sheriff of Baghdad Podcast Is Now Available
John “Shrek” McPhee called me a couple of weeks ago, telling me that he was launching a podcast along with co-host Spencer Pratt. I didn’t realize that he already had two webisodes in the can. Check...
View ArticleJoin Shrek on Facebook Live, Tonight!
Grab your favorite whiskey, beer, or beverage that suits you and join Shrek tonight for his next Friday Night Live. He’s going to chat about some topics in the news, his latest read, answer questions,...
View Introduces the Latest in Firearms Training: Online Training...
I received this note from Sergeant Major (ret) John McPhee AKA “The Sheriff of Baghdad”. Dudes, I’m excited to announce a service I’ve been working on since I began providing video diagnostic firearms...
View ArticleMy Favorite SOB Is Back!
John McPhee, the Sheriff of Baghdad is launching a new website, May 1st. Sign up now to enter a chance to win one of a series of prizes he will be giving away from his sponsors each of the first 10...
View ArticleMy Favorite SOB Is Back!
John McPhee, the Sheriff of Baghdad is launching a new website, May 1st. Sign up now to enter a chance to win one of a series of prizes he will be giving away from his sponsors each of the first 10...
View ArticleJohn “Shrek” McPhee Introduces Gunfighter University
John McPhee aka Shrek aka Sheriff of Baghdad is a top-tier firearms trainer. Now, he’s launched an entirely new way of providing feedback to shooters. Gunfighter University utilizes analysis of video...
View ArticleSheriff Of Baghdad – Fall Training Schedule Released
Sheriff of Baghdad has announced that the Fall 2015 John “Shrek” McPhee training scheduled has been released. For more info and to sign up, either contact or visit
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